ITCS 2016 will be held at MIT this year Jan 14-16.
As in past years, we will hold a "graduating bits" event where students
and postdocs that looking for positions can give a short presentation
about themselves and their work. This can be a great way to let people
know what you've been up to. See for more details.
If you are interested in participating, please send Boaz Barak ( ) an email with the subject "Graduating bits" and the following information:
1) Name, Affiliation, status (student/postdoc)
2) Photo of yourself (web quality - no huge files please).
3) A short paragraph (3-4 sentences) about yourself and your research.
4) Homepage URL
5) Your presentation - 4 slides in PDF format, of which the first slide should be a title slide.
is no deadline per se, but the presentations will be scheduled in the
order of submissions so it’s “first comes first served”. I will also
maintain a website with the photos and slides of all presenters, which
should be a useful resource for anyone looking to hire theoretical
computer scientists this year.