Monday, May 07, 2018

SIGACT-Related Stuff

Some SIGACT related-stuff of import:

First, there's an election going on!!!  If you're an ACM/SIGACT member, you've probably gotten an e-mail about this, and it's probably gone into some folder that you probably never look at.  Please check your e-mail for a subject like "ACM SIG 2018 Election".  I believe the deadline is the first week or June or so.  Please vote!  (Bios and related materials for people running can be found here.)

Second, the Knuth Prize call is out.  (It should be on the SIGACT web page shortly, but the main info is cut and pasted below.)  July 1 deadline is perhaps the most important part.

Third, keep in mind the early registration/hotel deadline for STOC (which runs June 25-29 in Los Angeles) is coming up, June 1.  It will be another "theory fest", so expect some great keynote speakers and invited talks, workshops and tutorials, poster sessions, and other great events.  If you went to STOC last year in Montreal, you know the "theory fest" is a different creature than previous STOCs, and that you don't want to miss it.  Also, it's the 50th STOC, so there will be some events specifically for that.  STOC is the theory conference you really want to go to -- sign up and make sure to get the early registration fee.

Knuth info below:

Nomination Procedure. Anyone in the Theoretical Computer Science com-
munity may nominate a candidate. To do so, please send nominations to by  July 1st, 2018. The nomination should
state the nominee’s name, summarize his or her contributions in one or two
pages, provide a CV for the nominee or a pointer to the nominees webpage, and
give telephone, postal, and email contact information for the nominator. Any
supporting letters from other members of the community (up to a limit of 5)
should be included in the package that the nominator sends to the Commit-
tee chair. Supporting letters should contain substantial information not in the
nomination. Others may endorse the nomination simply by adding their names
to the nomination letter. If you have nominated a candidate in past years, you
can re-nominate the candidate by sending a message to that effect to the above
address. (You may revise the nominating materials if you so desire).

 Criteria for Selection. The winner will be selected by a Prize Committee

consisting of six people appointed by the SIGACT and TCMF Chairs, see below
for the composition of the committee. All nominations will be considered by
the Committee, including those submitted in previous years, but nomination is
not a requirement to receive the Prize. Note that the Knuth prize is awarded
to a single individual each year. Nominations of groups of researchers will not
be considered.

In selecting the Knuth-Prize winner, the Committee will pay particular at-
tention to a sustained record of high-impact, seminal contributions to the foun-
dations of computer science. The selection may also be based partly on ed-
ucational accomplishments and contributions such as fundamental textbooks
and high-quality students. The award is not given for service to the theoretical
computer science community, but service might be included in the citation for
 a winner if appropriate. The current prize committee consists of Avrim Blum
(TTIC), Allan Borodin (U. Toronto), Alan Frieze (CMU), Shafi Goldwasser (UC
Berkeley), Noam Nisan (Hebrew U.), and Shang-Hua Teng (USC, chair).

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