Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Set Your Own Price for Music

Tangentially related to my previous post on why Harvard should be free (but you pay later through donations), via the Machinist I've learned that Radiohead (some "music group" -- I'm old and out of touch...) is putting their new album online and letting people choose what to pay to download the album here. (More information for actual music fans is available from the Machinist in a follow-up.) This sounds like an interesting experiment, and I'm very curious to see how it works out for them.

Somehow it made me think, will the pick and play model of iTunes ever make it to universities? Imagine selecting your own collection of courses for your undergraduate or graduate degree, without being limited to your actual physical university; you could take say Kleinberg's Structure of Information Networks, Roughgarden's Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory, Demaine's Geometric Folding Algorithms, and so on... of course, an appropriate payment mechanism would have to be designed, but the possibilities are exciting and frightening at the same time...


jack said...

As a student of Tim's, I can vouch that his AGT class was one of the best classes I've ever taken (maybe the best). It must be rare that such a leading researcher in a field also happens to be such an amazing teacher. Based on Kleinberg and Demaine's reputations, though, they might be two more examples.

mollishka said...

Sounds similar to this coffee shop experiment in Washington.