Monday, March 26, 2018
An Ad-Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment and Related Issues
The following is from Yuval Rabani, regarding a joint initiative we are moving forward with to establish policies, procedures, and institutions to deal with harassment and related ethical issues. You may see the post on other theory-related blogs as well.
Recently, many theoreticians have become aware of issues, stories, and rumors concerning sexual harassment within our community, in other CS communities, and more broadly in science.
A number of initiatives, most notably the mushrooming codes of conduct at theory conferences, are already being put into practice.
In consultation among some of the main organizations running theory venues (IEEE TCMF/FOCS, ACM SIGACT/STOC+JACM, EATCS/ICALP, SIAM/SODA+SICOMP) we’ve decided to appoint a joint committee to discuss and propose coordinated policies, procedures, and institutions to deal with harassment and related ethical issues which cut across organizational boundaries. Sandy Irani will chair the committee. Its charter is stated as follows:
"We are setting an ad-hoc committee to draft a proposal for joint ToC measures to combat discrimination, harassment, bullying, and retaliation, and all matters of ethics that might relate to that. Proposed measures may include, but are not restricted to, coordinating policies and guidelines, and setting community-wide institutions for reporting and oversight. The primary goal should be a determination to deter and root out such behavior in the theory community. The issues of false reporting and due process should be taken into account. The committee is expected to conduct the necessary research on existing practices. The committee will submit a report to the appointing organizations by September 30, 2018.”
If you wish an organization be included in the loop, please contact me. If you wish to convey to the committee ideas and thoughts, please contact Sandy or other members as they’ll be announced.
In the meantime, while we are waiting for the committee’s more thoughtful suggestions, here are a couple of simple and potentially effective steps, off the top of my head:
1. If you are harassing someone, please stop.
2. If you are not harassing anyone, please don’t start.
I will gladly contribute to a lively open discussion and react to comments, especially if they occasionally reach my awareness by relaying their existence to my email feed. (Regrettably, I don’t spend all my waking hours monitoring theory blogs.)
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Swedish Summer School
I was asked to post the following notice for the upcoming Swedish Summer School for (theoretical) computer scientists. I gave some lectures for it a couple of summers back, and really enjoyed it. Maybe the students did also.
A warning that Djuronaset is not in the city of Stockholm, but a bit over an hour away from downtown Stockholm by bus. While not in the city, it's a beautiful area for walks, and the facilities are very nice. (In particular, they have wonderful saunas in the hotel that should be used daily.)
A warning that Djuronaset is not in the city of Stockholm, but a bit over an hour away from downtown Stockholm by bus. While not in the city, it's a beautiful area for walks, and the facilities are very nice. (In particular, they have wonderful saunas in the hotel that should be used daily.)
The 5th Swedish Summer School in Computer Science ( will be held August 5-11, 2018, in the beautiful Stockholm archipelago at Djuronaset ( The school runs for a full week Monday-Friday in early August when Sweden is at its loveliest, with arrival on Sunday evening and departure Saturdaymorning.
We will celebrate our 5th anniversary by going significantly out of our comfort zone and learn about quantum computation. Ronald de Wolf ( ) will give a series of lectures accessible to people who do not know quantum from before. The idea is that this will help all those of us who routinely skip intimidating quantum talks at workshops and conference to overcome our deepest fears and learn enough so that during the next conference we can confidently go to the quantum sessions and actually understand some of what is going on (and maybe even ask a smart question or two).
Another reason for being scared about quantum is that the crypto systems we know and love might no longer be safe. But fear not: Oded Regev ( will give lectures on lattices and cryptography, explaining, among other things, how to survive in a post-quantum world. Other exciting topics that Oded will touch upon are the Learning with errors (LWE) problem and fully homomorphic encryption.
The summer school is primarily intended for PhD students, but postdocs and bright MSc students are also warmly welcome (and also faculty, subject to availability of slots).
The application deadline is April 20, 2018. Please see for more information including instructions for how to apply. Any questions can be directed to
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
Optimizing Learned Bloom Filters with Sandwiching
For the small-ish subset of people out there who care about "learned Bloom filters" (the subject of my last post), I have a small-ish update. I guess the data structure has been unconsciously sitting around in the back of my head, and when I paged it back into my conscious self, I noticed there was an (in hindsight) obvious improvement.
Recall that the learned Bloom filter uses a (magic) black-box predictor obtained from learning theory that predicts whether an element is in a set or not; to avoid false negatives, it then uses a backup Bloom filter to rescue any set elements that have been incorrectly predicted as not being in the set. This leads to two sources of false positives, from the predictor and the backup Bloom filter.
It turns out it is better to get rid of some of those false positives up front. That is, you get better performance if you have a regular old Bloom filter up front, followed by the learned predictor, followed by a (much smaller) backup Bloom filter to round up stray false negatives. Because you have the predictor sandwiched between two Bloom filters, I refer to this as the "sandwiched learned Bloom filter".
The math is surprisingly easily -- and at the same time, really beautiful in terms of the result. It turns out that, if you think of distributing "Bloom filter bits" out to the up-front Bloom filter and the backup Bloom filter, the right thing to do is first put bits on the backup Bloom filter, up to a certain fixed amount, which depends on the the parameters of the predictor (false positive rate, false negative rate). After that, all the bits should go to the up-front Bloom filter.
Like most Bloom filter optimizations, the gains are worthwhile but do not seem to be another-factor-of-two; it looks like it this can cut the size another 10-25% or so, depending on the settings, and it essentially free.
The whole writeup is less than 2 pages, so rather than write and explain it all here, if you're interested, check the arxiv draft. Hopefully, more fun in this setting will be forthcoming....
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